The 40 year old (Formula Student) virgin

The 40 year old (Formula Student) virgin

Racecar Engineering invited Craig Porley, an experienced Race Engineer to this year’s Formula Student UK competition. Porley has spent the last 12 years race engineering in BTCC alongside full time engineering jobs at Red Bull Racing and Xtrac. Having never been...

F1 Drivers’ Wives and Girlfriends 2023 by Kym Illman

Let me introduce you to 13 of the current F1 driver’s girlfriends. In this group you’ll find a number of models, a TV reporter, a professional cyclist, a professional golfer a couple of students and 4 mums. Like every year, there are new inclusions and departures from...
Inside F1’s Media and Technology Centre: going remote

Inside F1’s Media and Technology Centre: going remote

Covering the world’s fastest motor sport across 24 race weekends is no easy feat. The twists and turns, come rain or shine, are covered meticulously by Formula 1’s production team week in, week out. At the start of July, Motorsport Broadcasting was invited to F1’s...


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